3 Truths For Assurance of Salvation
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3 Truths For Assurance of Salvation

If you are fearful or doubt your right standing with God, look to Jesus, not yourself. The best way to do that is to meditate on Jesus, to behold him. Together, let’s look at three truths about Jesus that will boost our confidence in him: (1) Our right standing with God, through Jesus, is not transactional, (2) God’s grace for us through Jesus is exponential, and (3) Jesus secured an eternal redemption. Today, we will look at truth #1.

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Will You Make It Into Heaven?
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Will You Make It Into Heaven?

Many of us have struggled with the assurance of our salvation at some point. We look in our hearts and see all manners of sin and evil. We wonder: am I truly saved? Do I have enough faith? On judgement day, will Jesus say to me ‘depart from me you worker of evil’?

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Many of us only have a vague idea of the meaning of the Glory of God, even though it is a prominent theme in the Bible and the Christian life. The more I understand it, the harder it is to explain. But for the next two blogs, I will do my best, by God's grace, to help us meditate on it.

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You Are God’s Unique Design
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You Are God’s Unique Design

You, an image bearer of God, have a unique set of genetic instructions that make everything about you…God not only intricately designed who you are at the genetic level, but he also placed you purposefully in this specific time of history, nation, environment, etc. to do something unique through you. “We must be fearless in affirming all that we are by creation, redemption, and calling, and ruthless in disowning all that we are by the Fall” (John Stott - The Cross of Christ).

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Making Wise Decisions
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Making Wise Decisions

Wisdom is not a formula. What is wise in a given circumstance may not be in another. Wisdom springs from the heart. It starts with a transformed inner Person. Remember Solomon? When he prayed for wisdom, he asked God for a wise heart (a), not for more rules. Tim Keller put it this way: “Wisdom is not less than being moral and good; it is much more”. So what exactly is wisdom? How to make wise decisions?

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What If Jesus Was Not Raised From the Dead?
Easter, Audio Available, ~ 5 min Aymone Kouame Easter, Audio Available, ~ 5 min Aymone Kouame

What If Jesus Was Not Raised From the Dead?

If you are like me, you seldom rejoice in Jesus’ resurrection as you should. My heart is so easily dulled by the busyness, sorrows, or temporary pleasures of this life that I often forsake the Joy of my salvation. One way to give our hearts a fresh jolt in preparation for Easter is to ask ourselves: what if Jesus didn't rise from the dead?

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When The Soul is Inconsolable
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When The Soul is Inconsolable

“I cry aloud to God, aloud to God, and he will hear me…. my soul refuses to be comforted. When I remember God, I moan; when I meditate, my spirit faints. Selah” - Psalm 77:1-3. There are times when the heart is so full of sorrows that nothing seems to comfort us. Even thinking of God or reading the bible becomes painful…

It was a cold Saturday night…the rain was pouring, as were my tears…

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‘That You May Belong to Another’
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‘That You May Belong to Another’

Maria (not real name) was married to an absolute tyrant. He was an alcoholic who would cheat on her, beat her up and abuse her in more ways than one. But she was too afraid to leave. Where would she go? Would she be alone all her life if she left? Would he find her and treat her worse? While in this marriage, Maria met Jesus...

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Build Character, Not To-Do Lists
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Build Character, Not To-Do Lists

2024 is here! Do you have new year’s resolutions? … At the end of his life, the apostle Paul joyfully proclaimed: ‘I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith’ (2 Tim.4:7-8). Have you ever stopped to ponder whether you are running the race well? If your life ended today, would you be able to say you finished well? The apostle Peter helps us understands what it means to live an effective or fruitful life in Christ, not wasting the time God gave us.

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