3 Truths For Assurance of Salvation
Aymone Kouame Aymone Kouame

3 Truths For Assurance of Salvation

If you are fearful or doubt your right standing with God, look to Jesus, not yourself. The best way to do that is to meditate on Jesus, to behold him. Together, let’s look at three truths about Jesus that will boost our confidence in him: (1) Our right standing with God, through Jesus, is not transactional, (2) God’s grace for us through Jesus is exponential, and (3) Jesus secured an eternal redemption. Today, we will look at truth #3.

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3 Truths For Assurance of Salvation
Aymone Kouame Aymone Kouame

3 Truths For Assurance of Salvation

If you are fearful or doubt your right standing with God, look to Jesus, not yourself. The best way to do that is to meditate on Jesus, to behold him. Together, let’s look at three truths about Jesus that will boost our confidence in him: (1) Our right standing with God, through Jesus, is not transactional, (2) God’s grace for us through Jesus is exponential, and (3) Jesus secured an eternal redemption. Today, we will look at truth #2.

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3 Truths For Assurance of Salvation
Audio Available Aymone Kouame Audio Available Aymone Kouame

3 Truths For Assurance of Salvation

If you are fearful or doubt your right standing with God, look to Jesus, not yourself. The best way to do that is to meditate on Jesus, to behold him. Together, let’s look at three truths about Jesus that will boost our confidence in him: (1) Our right standing with God, through Jesus, is not transactional, (2) God’s grace for us through Jesus is exponential, and (3) Jesus secured an eternal redemption. Today, we will look at truth #1.

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Will You Make It Into Heaven?
Audio Available Aymone Kouame Audio Available Aymone Kouame

Will You Make It Into Heaven?

Many of us have struggled with the assurance of our salvation at some point. We look in our hearts and see all manners of sin and evil. We wonder: am I truly saved? Do I have enough faith? On judgement day, will Jesus say to me ‘depart from me you worker of evil’?

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3 Reasons To Praise God When You Don't Feel Like it
Aymone Kouame Aymone Kouame

3 Reasons To Praise God When You Don't Feel Like it

Let me be honest. Sometimes, I struggle to believe God's Goodness and I don’t feel like praising Him. Hebrews 13:15-16 is greatly encouraging because it teaches that praising God is a sacrificial offering. It's not supposed to feel easy or ‘natural’ all the time. And to offer praises to God when it's hard, despite our flesh’s rebellion against it, is pleasing to him. You may ask: Isn’t it hypocritical to praise God when I don’t want to?

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Facing Plenty
Aymone Kouame Aymone Kouame

Facing Plenty

A couple of weeks ago, I was going through it. My heart was heavy and my spirit burdened. I prayed and read my bible almost all day long ... The turmoil in my soul drove me to the Lord … But as things got better, I started to slow it down. This week, I was back into the storm again and guess what? I have been praying, worshiping and reading my bible constantly … What is it about hardships that draws us near to God? … Why are my prayers so heartfelt and my bible reading so life-giving in such times? ….

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The Glory of God
Aymone Kouame Aymone Kouame

The Glory of God

This is part 2 of the previous post, ‘Glory’. In Exodus 33, Moses asked God to show him His Glory. After the grievous sin committed by the Israelites, he wondered if God would still be with them. Moses wanted reassurance, one that goes deep. He knew that beholding God in his very essence, was the only thing that could strengthen him again. … So, what is the Glory of God? According to God himself, it is all of His goodness. All of it, all at once and all of the time.

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Audio Available Aymone Kouame Audio Available Aymone Kouame


Many of us only have a vague idea of the meaning of the Glory of God, even though it is a prominent theme in the Bible and the Christian life. The more I understand it, the harder it is to explain. But for the next two blogs, I will do my best, by God's grace, to help us meditate on it.

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“Brethren, Pray For Us”
Aymone Kouame Aymone Kouame

“Brethren, Pray For Us”

We who believe in Christ are the body of Christ and individually members of it. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. One underrated way to care for one another is by regularly praying for each other. Paul's prayers are a wonderful model to use when praying for others: thanking God for the brethren, praying for endurance, for knowing God, for Hope, love and sanctification, for wisdom and for Gospel ministry.

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You Are God’s Unique Design
Audio Available Aymone Kouame Audio Available Aymone Kouame

You Are God’s Unique Design

You, an image bearer of God, have a unique set of genetic instructions that make everything about you…God not only intricately designed who you are at the genetic level, but he also placed you purposefully in this specific time of history, nation, environment, etc. to do something unique through you. “We must be fearless in affirming all that we are by creation, redemption, and calling, and ruthless in disowning all that we are by the Fall” (John Stott - The Cross of Christ).

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