Beholding God?

“When one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed … And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit”. - 2 Cor. 3:16;18


How it All Started

Have you ever read or listened to the bible and suddenly, a phrase or an idea hits you hard, something you never noticed before, or are seeing in a different light? Have you ever watched a movie or listened to a random conversation that made you think about the Gospel?

Well, it happens quite often in my life. So, I decided to start writing down my thoughts, illuminating them with the truth of God's word.

A Sight To Behold!

To mediate is to think deeply or carefully about. To contemplate is to look thoughtfully for a long time. To ponder is to think about carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion. To behold encompasses all the above. It is to pay close attention to, to truly see and observe, especially a remarkable and impressive person.

In my writings, I try to focus specifically on discovering and Beholding who God is. The Bible is God revealing himself to us. It is not primarily about self-discocery or learning good moral principles. It's about Beholding God. To know God and Jesus Christ is eternal life. And as we do that in faith, we will no doubt see ourselves in the proper light and be transformed from the inside out, from glory to glory.

This is what this blog is about – meditating, pondering and chewing on Scriptures for a deeper revelation of who God is through Jesus Christ. This habit, I found, feeds the appetite with pure spiritual milk that makes us grow into salvation (1 Peter 2:1-3).

I have not ceased to be amazed by the depths of God’s Goodness. They are infinite as He is infinite. As long as we live, we cannot finish peeling off the layers. It is joy-filling, strengthening, convicting, satisfying, awe-full, and often overwhelming (in the best way possible) to behold Him.


As I share my thoughts, I am honest about my struggles and hardships. I boast in my weaknesses in a sense, so that Christ’s power might be more evident in my life.

If that sounds interesting, stick around! Keep an eye out for posts every two weeks. On special occasions, I might post once or twice a week. To receive email alerts about a new post, please subscribe here. Let us behold God together!

P.S.: My logo represents fruitfulness or growth (the green plant) which comes from beholding God.

You can read more about my inspiration for this blog here.