Soul Rest for the Weary

Reflections on Matthew 11:28-30

Have you ever found yourself in a state of deep restlessness, weariness, and heavy-heartedness? Jesus says:

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30, ESV).

How Are You Laboring?

In calling ‘all who labor and are heavy-laden’, Jesus is referring to all who pointlessly strive to earn righteousness on their own. It is easy to identify how unbelievers do this but does this striving really cease once we are saved? As Christians, there are many ways in which we labor and strive to prove ourselves to God and others. This is the source of much of our weariness.

Ask yourself: am I so relying on something in myself (e.g., intelligence, money, beauty, biblical literacy, eloquence, etc.) to be loved and approved by God or others that when it fails, I feel shaken or downcast? Do I feel that God’s Love for me and my right standing with him is conditional upon my performance? Does it shatter me to feel rejected or disapproved of by others (or a particular person)? Am I scared of what the future holds (or does not hold) for me?

Jesus promises the laboring souls: ‘I will give you rest …you will find rest for your souls’. He only asks us: (1) ‘Come to me’, (2) ‘take my yoke upon you’, and (3) ‘learn from me’.

1. Go to Jesus

Going to Jesus means intentionally taking steps to see and hear from him, primarily through his word and prayer. It means ignoring the pull to soak in our own misery and gathering strength to go to Jesus, expectantly. This can be very hard when our heart is heavy, discouraged, and tired. We must ask the Lord to supply the faith and strength we don’t have to go to him.

2. Take Jesus’ Yoke

A yoke is a yoke. Though Jesus’ yoke is light, it is still not easy to carry. Taking Jesus’ yoke upon us means denying ourselves, taking our cross, and following Him (Matthew 16:24; Matthew 10:34-39; Luke 14:25-33). It means to look to Jesus as our Chief Love, submitting to his authority and kingship in all areas of our lives. Unlike our former masters (the flesh, the devil, and sin), Jesus is gentle and lowly in heart. He gave his own life for us. We need not fear being crushed by him. he gives us life and life abundantly.

3. Learn From Him

What do we learn from Jesus? He teaches us first and foremost the way to God. It is not our own works as our former masters would have us believe. It is by faith in him alone, who by his atoning sacrifice reconciles us to God. We can rest in His salvation. Secondarily, Jesus teaches us how to live lives that glorify God, which is true wisdom. To glorify God is the reason we were created and living this way leads to true fulfillment, peace, and joy. We find rest for our souls. We can stop laboring.

‘… And I Will Give You Rest’

Ask yourself: what truth(s) about God am I not believing or forgetting that causes me to feel the need to labor? Then preach it to your soul. For me, I often ‘forget’ God’s Sovereignty and Goodness. Preaching to my soul is incredibly refreshing. It often sounds like this: Why are you fearful oh my soul? Why should I fear tomorrow? The Lord my God is the Sovereign One and His steadfast love for me is surer than the rising of the sun. The cross is the proof. He has promised to fill me with good things. I do not need to strive for His approval. I already have it in Christ. I do not need to strive for others’ approval. My worth is not found in them but in Christ.

I do not claim this is a magic formula that will lighten your heart instantaneously. I am only sharing how I have been comforted so many times by the Lord through this spiritual practice (exemplified in the Psalms), so that you too may be comforted (2 Corinthians 1:3-5 ESV).

Aymone Kouame

Aymone is a Christian and a student of God’s Word. She serves as a Deacon at her church. Professionally, she is a Data Scientist. During her free time, she likes to spend quality time with friends and family, do Les Mills BodyCombat, watch Sci-fi movies, read, play guitar, and write songs.


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