Beholding God

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The God Who Answers the Questions You Didn’t Ask

And Asks the Questions You Don’t Want to Answer

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The God Who Answers the Questions You Didn’t Ask Aymone Kouame

Have you noticed how Jesus interacts with certain individuals in the Gospels? He seems not to answer the question(s) asked or he seems to address a completely different topic. It’s almost like something was lost in translation, but it is not so. Jesus is intentional in how he interacts with individuals. Not only does he know how, but he also knows what to answer each one of us. He knows how to get us to understand God better, ourselves better, and our utter need for him. We don’t. We also see this in the Old Testament, specifically in the story of Job.

Jesus and Nicodemus

Nicodemus: ‘Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him.’ (John 3:2, ESV).

Jesus: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God .” (John 3:3, ESV).

Nicodemus came to Jesus (at night) with (probably sincere) words of praise about how great of a teacher Jesus was. I don’t know what a first-century Jewish mind expected Jesus’ answer to be, but maybe this: “Well, thank you, Nicodemus! I see that you too are a great teacher in Israel.". Nope! Instead, Jesus says, ‘Nicodemus, You must be born again to enter the Kingdom of God’. I mean... what? I am giggling a bit right now. They continue to talk:

Nicodemus: “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?” (John 3:4, ESV).

Jesus explains further (John 3:5-8) and at Nicodemus’ confusion, asks: “Are you the teacher of Israel and yet you do not understand these things? […] If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you heavenly things?”(John 3:10-12, ESV).

An honest answer to Jesus’ question would be: “You’re right, Jesus. I have been teaching the law of God, yet I do not even understand this spiritual birth needed to enter the Kingdom of God. Clearly, I do not know God as I thought.". I have little doubt that this at least entered the mind of Nicodemus. There is strong historical evidence that Nicodemus became a follower of Jesus, but nothing definitively confirmed by the scriptures. Hopefully, Nicodemus’ ignorance about the Kingdom of God — drawn out by Jesus answering a question he did not ask (but needed to know) and asking a question he was probably never asked — led him to seek to know the true God through Jesus Christ (including that Jesus is not simply a great teacher but God himself) and experience the new birth.

The God Who Sees You

Read other stories of Jesus interacting with individuals such as the one with the Samaritan woman or the rich young ruler (John 4: 1-26; Matthew 19:16–30; Mark 10:17–31; Luke 18:18–30), and see this pattern. Jesus goes to the depths of our hearts and draws out our idols, insecurities, sins, false beliefs about God, etc., through unexpected answers and questions. In the story of Job, when God finally speaks he does not answer Job’s questions about the reason for his suffering; rather he gives Job answers to this question: Who is God? In answering this question, he also questions Job: ‘Who are you Job? Are you the Sovereign all-knowing, all-powerful, eternal creator?’. We know how it ended. Job is led to repentance and a deeper, better knowledge of God. Job said: ‘I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you’. (Job 42:5-6, ESV).

God is not one we can manipulate. Praise Him! We have nothing to offer him. Praise Him! Who can counsel the one who knows all things? What gift will you give to the one who owns all things? He sees past our sins and ignorance to execute his good plans for us. Because God is the only True God, who knows us through and through, he knows what we need better than anyone, including us.

What Answers is God Giving You? What Questions Is He Asking You?

Now, let me ask you. Did God not answer a prayer the way you expected? Is there a lesson he seems to be teaching you over and over again when you think you got it? Are there areas of your life he is having you stare at constantly and making you see inconsistencies and unbelief? It’s certainly the case for me. Take heart; be encouraged! This proves that you are dealing with the real Jesus and not some idol you can manipulate to do your bidding. He is doing exactly what he promises to do and what we ultimately desire as believers: he is shaping us into his likeness and leading us like beloved sheep in the way everlasting!