Beholding God

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The Glorious Gospel of Christ

“ But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved—” -Ephesians 2:4-5

What Is The Gospel? The gospel is the good news that God, because of his great love for us, made a way for mankind to be reconciled to him through Jesus Christ.

Why Do we need to be reconciled to God? God and mankind were in a perfect relationship until Adam and Eve fell into sin through Satan's temptation. As a result, all of mankind was separated from God, and under his just wrath. We are all subjected to sin, destruction, decay, and death. Every human being is also guilty of personal sins against God.

The only way to be reconciled to God is through faith in Jesus Christ. Through his righteous life, atoning death on the cross and his victorious bodily resurrection from the dead, Jesus reconciled those who believe in him to God. He paid the penalty that we deserved, covers us with his perfect righteousness and gives us eternal life.

Becoming a Child of God. We become God's children and receive God's Holy Spirit, who gives us the power to live lives pleasing to God. There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Jesus Christ. Those who reject Him, reject the only way to God and remain under condemnation.

Your Call & Response

Turn from your sins and place your faith in Jesus because salvation is only by faith in him, through grace. Pray right now and ask him to forgive you and to help you walk with him by faith as your Lord and Savior. If you reject Him, you are rejecting the only way to God and you will remain under condemnation. It is not his desire. He loves you.

We Can Never Graduate from the Gospel

We are saved by faith in Jesus and continue to walk by faith in him. As a Christian, I find myself constantly forgetting the Gospel. I rely too often on my own works to feel ‘right’ with God, forgetting that apart from Jesus I could never please God. When I sin or when the weight of life is too heavy, I question God’s love for me, forgetting that his love for me is as sure as Jesus’ death and resurrection on the cross. The righteousness that covers me does not come from me but from Jesus, the Perfect one. By Grace, I believed the Gospel and by grace, I must hold fast to it and keep believing it.

If you have more questions or need more resources, please Contact me.